Просмотр полной версии : IW5BOT [NoSteam]

06.12.2015, 15:48
Game version | Версия игры: 1.4.382 (RepZ IW5 / TeknoMW3; Steam is not supported | Steam не поддерживается)
Cheat version | Версия чита: 4.18.06 (07.11.2015)
Supported OS | Поддерживаемые ОС: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10
Status | Статус: Available | Доступен
Coder | Разработчик: AutoCrack (http://baunticheats.com/forum/index.php?members/autocrack.2967/)

Detection status | Статус обнаружения:

TeknoMW3 Anticheat: Undetected | Не обнаруживается
RepZ Anticheat: Undetected | Не обнаруживается
RepZ Antiсheat (screenshots): Clean screenshots | Чистые скриншоты

Special requirements | Особые требования:

Disabled anti-aliasing and 'Native' image quality required for proper rendering of 3D-visuals | Для правильного отображения 3D-визуалов требуется отключенное сглаживание и качество картинки "Родное".

Features | Возможности:

Personal configuration for friends and enemies.
Selectable Aim Priority [Distance/Damage/Angle]
Selectable Auto Fire Mode
Configurable Auto Fire Delay (ms)
Auto Zoom
Selectable Aim Bone [Head/Spine/Any/Any (Reversed)]
Limitable Aim Distance
Limitable Aim FOV (X and Y)
Configurable Aim Speed
Auto Wall
Configurable Auto Wall Depth
Auto Melee
Limitable Auto Melee Radius
Configurable Auto Melee Speed
Configurable Auto Melee Attack Delay (ms)
Aim Lock
Auto Mouse Lock
Auto Return
Aim Prediction
Configurable Aim Prediction Modifier
Configurable Head Correction Modifier
Movement Compensation
Invisible Aiming (Silent Aimbot)
Customizable Aim Key
Target List (+Auto Selection mode)
Friend List


Personal configuration for friends and enemies.
Player ESP
Configurable Player ESP Line Thickness
Name ESP
Bone ESP [Lines/Points]
Configurable Bone ESP Line Thickness
Line ESP
Configurable Line ESP Line Thickness
Selectable Line ESP Start Position [Top/Bottom/Center]
Weapon Icons
Weapon Spheres
Configurable Weapon Sphere Size
Configurable Weapon Sphere Fill Mode [Filled/Wireframe]
Explosive Icons
Explosive Spheres
Configurable Explosive Sphere Size
Configurable Explosive Sphere Fill Mode [Filled/Wireframe]
Configurable Radar
Customizable Crosshair
Visibility Check
Customizable Colors
Customizable ESP Font Style & Size
Configurable Chams Type [Shaders/Textures]
Configurable Chams Fill Mode [Filled/Wireframe]
Chams ZBuffer


No Smoke
No Recoil
No Spread
Rapid Fire
Kill Sounds
Configurable Kill Spree Duration
Configurable Kill Feed State (Normal/Maximized/Minimized)
Configurable Gun Position (Right/Left/Centered/Hidden)
Customizable Panic Key

[B]Hot-keys | Горячие клавиши:

DELETE = Default menu key | Стандартная кнопка меню
HOME = Default config load key | Стандартная кнопка чтения конфигов с диска
END = Default "Panic" key | Стандартная кнопка "паники" (отключения/включения всех визуалов)
F8 = Default disconnect key | Стандартная кнопка отключения от сервера (возврат в главное меню игры)

http://baunticheats.com/forum/data/attachments/0/479-6da41ec79d5801e9317ab9ca4bcd3996.jpg (http://baunticheats.com/forum/index.php?attachments/iw5bot_previewscr_7-jpg.938/) http://baunticheats.com/forum/data/attachments/0/480-79fb7802736ce01008db08277d8eb9de.jpg (http://baunticheats.com/forum/index.php?attachments/iw5bot_previewscr_8-jpg.939/) http://baunticheats.com/forum/data/attachments/0/481-ff8c181df508695d690d4844e4c2b11b.jpg (http://baunticheats.com/forum/index.php?attachments/iw5bot_previewscr_9-jpg.940/) http://baunticheats.com/forum/data/attachments/0/482-466a1ccda43e7c56d30c3df88793096a.jpg (http://baunticheats.com/forum/index.php?attachments/iw5bot_previewscr_10-jpg.941/) http://baunticheats.com/forum/data/attachments/0/483-ee0e9881c31be2a0dd58042c48dffe19.jpg (http://baunticheats.com/forum/index.php?attachments/iw5bot_previewscr_11-jpg.942/) http://baunticheats.com/forum/data/attachments/0/484-acca6ec0eea31755adb8170e1bec384e.jpg (http://baunticheats.com/forum/index.php?attachments/iw5bot_previewscr_12-jpg.943/) http://baunticheats.com/forum/data/attachments/0/497-be54616530b6124a56bb24a7516a23cb.jpg (http://baunticheats.com/forum/index.php?attachments/iw5bot_previewscr_13-jpg.962/) http://baunticheats.com/forum/data/attachments/0/498-4577dcc0eca8994c76e468c72bef4d55.jpg (http://baunticheats.com/forum/index.php?attachments/iw5bot_previewscr_14-jpg.963/)
